

Phone Interview
Be prepared. Do your research on the company prior to the scheduled phone interview. Have your resume in hand and be prepared to answer questions. Have a copy of the job description and review prior to the phone interview.

In person interviews
Be prepared. Do your research on the company prior to the interview. Check out their web site. Look at other research available through the Internet. Ask your recruiter for a briefing prior to the interview. Have your resume in hand and be prepared to answer questions.

Have a list of professional references and make certain that the individuals listed are OK to list for contact.
Complete all sections of the employment application. Failure to do gives the impression that you do not follow instructions or may be hiding information.

Send a thank you. Email is acceptable so please send a thank you within 24 hours of the phone or on-site interview. Be professional. Regardless of your interests, acknowledge that you appreciate their time and consideration.