In cooperation with our client, we begin by gathering requirements and characteristics unique to your hiring needs. We develop a job profile, providing an in-depth understanding of requisite experience, qualifications and personal characteristics of the ideal candidate.
Every candidate resume submitted for your review has personally been screened to ensure their skills and background are a match to your requirements. Each candidate resume is presented along with a Candidate Profile that confirms skills, education, experience, current employment status, compensation and reason for a change in employment. This allows you a quick and easy review of their experience to move forward quickly.
Contingency search
Information from the Job Profile is used to research and identify candidates who meet the client’s requirements and skills objectives. Once candidates are identified as meeting the requirements and interest we develop a Candidate summarizing their skills, education and experience related to your specific opening. In addition, we identify their work history, reason for a change in employment and compensation.
We assist in scheduling phone interview, providing confirmation to both parties involved. On-site interview scheduling, travel assistance, if requested, and much more.
When a candidate is selected we work with both parties to develop a mutually agreeable package, presenting the offer on behalf of the client and obtain the candidate’s acceptance with an agreeable start date. We provide follow-up throughout the process and after the start of each candidate.
Executive / retained search
Information from the job profile is used to help research and gather data on specific companies and prospective candidates. From our list of prospective candidates we confidentially contact and conduct interviews with those candidates; gathering information on required competencies.
Following the initial interviews a short list of candidates is prepared along with an assessment. The list is presented to the client for review to schedule interviews with selected candidates.
When a candidate is selected, we work with the client to structure an offer package. We then offer the option to present the offer on behalf of the client and obtain the candidate’s acceptance or make that available for the company to handle directly. We assist the candidate in the smooth transition to our client ensuring the candidate joins their new organization with a positive enthusiastic attitude.
You work exclusively with one person throughout the entire process.
Search Options
We focus our efforts on recruiting professionals at the executive and management level. Each client is unique and trust is paramount. We tailor our service to meet your objective.
Contract Recruiting
Contract recruiting services provided on an hourly rate basis with a minimum charge of 10 hours. We provide you with detailed updates, candidate screening, profiling, confidentiality and the same great service.
Contingency Search
The contingency search option is suited for situations that may be a lower priority where timing is not a critical factor. The contingency option is designed for clients that desire basic search and candidate review. With a contingency search the client maintains more responsibility for candidate assessment and selection. Exclusivity of candidates is not guaranteed.
Container Search
A container search approach allows you the benefit of engaging our services with custom tailed research and review similar to a retained search with an initial deposit paid up front to engage our services and the balance paid upon the candidate being hired by your firm. Both parties assume and commit to engage in search efforts.
Retained Search
An advanced search and selection process enables us to partner with our client. Each search and selection process is tailored to fit each individual client requirements, providing the highest level of services. Retained search is appropriate for all staffing levels where the need is significant and timing is critical.